Message from Soliya's Executive Director

As I look back on the year, I am filled with deep gratitude for this community’s continued engagement and support. These last few months have been trying as we witnessed a distressing surge in violent atrocities, deep divisions and dehumanization across the world. Fundamental questions around free speech are being reconsidered, and spaces for constructive and respectful civic discourse are shrinking.

It is in these moments that we recommit ourselves to the values of dialogue, and the belief that together re-imagining a shared future isn't impossible, in fact, it’s the only way ahead.

Our dialogue and training programs continued to empower thousands of youth this year, enabling them to forge deep human connections and cultivate crucial skills for navigating today’s complexities.

Now, more than ever, we seek to expand our reach and impact, and we turn to our incredible community for your continued support.

Please consider making a donation to Soliya today, to help us elevate our mission in 2024. 

Thank you for believing in peace, and for standing with us on this journey.

Salma Elbeblawi

Executive Director

Learn about other Ways to Give.

Soliya is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization with EIN 32-0060209. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by USA law. Please consult your tax advisor.

Gift Acceptance Policy

Soliya accepts individual and institutional gifts that support core programs and general operations. In the course of standard fundraising activities, Soliya will accept cash and non-cash contributions, the acceptance of which does not equate with endorsement of, agreement with, or alignment with the contributor. Soliya never takes public positions in exchange for contributions.