Constructive Engagement

Constructive Engagement and Empathetic Leadership

Transforming Daily Communication Through Active Listening

The core of effective communication is active and empathetic listening. Discover why active listening is the foundation upon which all other communication tools are built.

Active Listening While Triggered

When triggered, we have a hard time hearing what the person is trying to say. Enhancing self-awareness and understanding how to deal with your personal triggers are vital for bringing focus back to active listening.

How to Engage in Challenging Conversations

Challenging conversations can be transformed into opportunities for collective learning. To engage with difference in difficult discussions, it's important to understand what to focus on and be aware of.

Role of Empathy in Enhancing Communication

Understand better how we can foster more inclusive and constructive interactions by building empathy - one of the most fundamental skills for today’s leaders and future generations.

Superpower Behind the Art of Effective Facilitation - Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is one of the foundational communication tools in Soliya’s model. Here you can learn more about the art of enhancing self-awareness, a key skill that will greatly support you throughout your facilitation journey.

Key Takeaways: Best Practices for Empathetic Leadership

Empathetic leaders equipped with active listening create an atmosphere of being heard, valuing diverse identities, and deepening communication. Here you can find out the best practices for empathetic leadership.

Soliya’s Resource Center is funded by the Stevens Initiative, which is housed at the Aspen Institute and is supported by the Bezos Family Foundation.