“A type of group conversation that allows for the exchange of ideas, opinions, feelings and personal experiences in an authentic way and through a non-confrontational process, better ensured by the presence of facilitators, in order to foster deep mutual understanding between participants.”
— Taking Dialogue Online, Rafael Tyszblat

Online Facilitated Dialogue provides meaningful contribution to mutual understanding between identity groups, as well as the acquisition of 21st century skills.
Virtual Exchange (VE) forges a way for people to engage online in a constructive manner, even when they disagree. In order to achieve this, VE requires the right combination of pedagogy, facilitation, and technology.
Dialogue can be designed in many different ways and combine various tools, depending on its objectives. However, it is usually distinguished from other types of discussions, namely debates.
A crucial factor for good quality and in depth dialogue is the presence of trained facilitators.
The facilitator’s role is to:
Reflect the diversity of participants;
show constant multipartiality to the expression of all, thus refraining from making their own point of view prevail or favouring a particular opinion during the exchanges;
enhance the quality of communication and equal participation;
manage destructive dynamics;
facilitate mutual learning between participants, including through a reflection on the content and process of the conversation, as they perceive it.
The main value of using technology in intercultural dialogue is its ability to offer cross-cultural experiences to far more people at a fraction of the cost — and with a smaller carbon footprint.
It also allows certain individuals to feel safer to speak, whether it is because they are too shy in face-to-face settings or because they live in societies where free speech can be repressed.
Asynchronous exchange can facilitate the sharing of concise information but live synchronous - ideally video-enabled - communication should be prioritized when seeking relationship building and deep understanding.

Through broad access and guided dialogue, VE provides students with impactful cross-cultural experiences that promote sustainable peace.
To explore practicing online facilitated dialogue in more detail, feel free to read the following article by Rafael Tyszblat in “Dialogue in Peacebuilding Understanding Different Perspectives, Development Dialogue” n. 64, 2019, pp. 178-187: